The Clicking of Time....

Ladeez and gentlemen

The unceasing rolling over of the counter on my page, and the steady flow of email and guestbook messages I receive tell me that people are still mad keen to learn Jeffsongs, and to learn NEW ones, the ones I have yet to tab.

This is great, of course.

But my life has taken a turn for the manic, so this is me just asking nicely if you all wouldn't mind just bearing with me for a while.

I've been barely able to pick up a guitar lately with my workload as it is, and I am starting to run the risk of feeling seriously sorry for myself. I hope that doesn't happen, and if it does it's not a problem any of you need worry about.

But I will just have to beg your indulgence if I'm way way slower at putting new stuff up than I would like to be. I'm just snowed under and I have three trips coming up (two interstate, one overseas) over the next few months. I hope I can do one big update before all this is through, and I hope that's just more than wishful thinking, but anyway, whatever happens, I'm not deliberately neglecting my site or anything. Just trying to get life back in order.

Oh, and while I'm on this thread....


Someone asked a while back if I'd meet up with Melbourne guitarists who visited my site and wanted to learn more face to face. I said I was willing to organise a "gathering" of anyone in Melbourne who wanted to show up, perhaps on a weekend afternoon, and we could play away and I could circulate spending some one on one time with people and whatnot.

Well, the GOOD news is, I'm still up for it.

The BAD news is there is no way known I will be able to organise this myself.

So if you are in my area and would like to see this happen, then you may be able to MAKE it happen!! You need to help me find a venue and pin down a date and time. That's it. Help me do that and we may be able to have ourselves a little event.

If you can assist in this regard, by all means email me!! If no-one does, then I'll assume people aren't too taken with the idea.

Thanks. Keep watching for updates, but please be patient. I appreciate all your support.


Finding your way somewhere useful

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The Sketches songs:
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